Dumel MAGIC JINN ANIMALS GAME guessing game Speaks PL:,Dumel MAGIC JINN ZWIERZĘTA GRA zgadywanka Mówi PL
DUMEL party game NAME IT Microphone PL version:,DUMEL gra towarzyska NAME IT Mikrofon wersja PL
To start playing with other players, set the game mode: easy - family or hard - friends and choose your colors and press the appropriate buttons. When you are ready to start, press the smiley face. From now on, time is of the essence. Listen to the sound, volunteer to answer before others do and earn points! Note that if a player answers very quickly, they will receive a bonus point, but if they make a mistake, everyone else gets 1 point, so think before you answer. The first player to score 20 points wins. Over 400 audio questions await you.