Rooibos is a rare shrub that grows in only one place in the world, the Cedar Mountains in South Africa (SA). The infusion is dark red with a sweet aroma.
It contains a lot of antioxidants, minerals and is very easy to digest. It does not contain caffeine, which makes it suitable for children and pregnant and nursing mothers.
This loose fair trade organic rooibos was grown by around 84 small farmers who joined forces to form the Wupperthal Original Rooibos Coop in 2009. They all adhere to the rules of organic farming and, together with training, work towards long-term goals in the area of sustainable production and environmental protection.
Preparation: Pour 1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water and let steep for 3-10 minutes. It can also be served as iced tea. You can add cream, milk, fruit juice or lemon to taste.
Ingredients: 100% organic loose rooibos.