Squishmallows Cat Carizma:,Squishmallows Kočka Carizma
Even bigger and cuter, marshmallow-soft plushies that you'll fall in love with right away. Approximately 30 cm tall, these amazing plush animals will become a couch companion, a pillow pal, a sleeping pet, and a travel buddy. Each SQUISHMALLOWS has its own unique name. Choose your own or collect them all.
Squishmallows Corgi with a Regina drink:,Squishmallows Corgi s drinkem Regina
Squishmallows Mystery scented soft toy sea creatures:,Squishmallows Mystery voňavý plyšák mořští tvorové
Squishmallows Raccoon Rocky:,Squishmallows Mýval Rocky
Squishmallows STAR WARS GROGU 43422 13 cm:,Squishmallows STAR WARS GROGU 43422 13 cm
Squsihmallows Cow Caedyn 40 cm:,Squsihmallows Kravička Caedyn 40 cm
Sunny the Bee is one of the Squishmallows plush toys that can become pleasant companions for children throughout the day. Squishmallows animals are soft to the touch, children can play with them, fall asleep with them, and cuddle up to them without fear. Like other plush toys, it develops feelings in children.